



Water softeners tackle the issue of hard water by removing minerals like calcium and magnesium. 不用再费力地洗盘子或擦洗水垢! 用软水器, 你可以告别这些挫折,享受更干净的生活, 更高效用水.


为什么选择FWT ?

  • 水软化剂的好处

    水是我们日常生活中至关重要的一部分,但并非所有的水都是平等的. 在许多地区,硬水真的会让人头疼. 它会在盘子上留下顽固的残留物, 水龙头, 莲蓬头也会导致水管和电器中的水垢积聚. That's where water softeners step in, offering a simple and friendly solution to these problems.

    Water softeners tackle the issue of hard water by removing minerals like calcium and magnesium. 不用再费力地洗盘子或擦洗水垢! 用软水器, 你可以告别这些挫折,享受更干净的生活, 更高效用水.

    One of the best things about water softeners is how they protect your plumbing system. 硬水会导致水管里积聚水垢, 导致水流减少和潜在的管道维修. By using a water softener, you prevent limescale formation and keep your plumbing in tip-top shape.

    Not only do water softeners save your plumbing, but they also extend the life of your appliances. Washing machines, dishwashers, and water heaters are all susceptible to the effects of hard water. 硬水留下的矿物质沉积物会堵塞管道, 损坏加热元件, 降低电器效率. But with a water softener, you can kiss these worries goodbye and enjoy longer-lasting appliances.

    Softened water isn’t just great for your plumbing and appliances—it’s also beneficial for your skin and hair. Hard water strips away natural oils, leaving your skin dry, itchy, and irritated. 它甚至会让你的头发变得暗淡,难以打理. 你会体验到更健康, 使用软化水沐浴,使皮肤更光滑,头发更有光泽.

    别忘了软水器的经济效益. While installing a water softener may seem like an investment, it pays off in the long run. Softened water requires less soap, detergent, and cleaning products, saving you money on supplies. Water softeners save you from costly repairs and replacements by preventing plumbing issues and appliance damage.

    In a nutshell, water softeners are a friendly and effective solution to hard water troubles. From eliminating frustrating residue to safeguarding your plumbing and extending the life of your appliances, 好处是显而易见的. 软化的水对你的皮肤、头发和钱包都有好处. 那么,为什么不考虑在家里装一个软水器呢? 告别硬水之苦,迎接更幸福、更健康的家园.

  • 佛罗里达水处理赢得了2020年安吉名单超级服务奖



    达尼丁, Florida – 佛罗里达水处理 is proud to announce that it has earned the home service industry’s coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award (SSA). This award honors service professionals who have maintained exceptional service ratings and reviews on Angie’s List in 2020.

    “尽管我们的服务专业人员在2020年面临着巨大的挑战, our Angie’s List Super Service Award winners continued to provide exceptional customer service,Angie 's List创始人安吉·希克斯(Angie Hicks)说. “These outstanding businesses have helped homeowners not only maintain their homes but also evolve them into safe and comfortable spaces that can handle all the mess of life, 工作, 学校, 和娱乐在一个屋檐下. Our homeowners’ consistent positive reviews make it clear: these are the best pros in our net工作.”

    Angie’s List Super Service Award 2020 winners have met strict eligibility requirements, 其中包括在整体成绩上保持优异的成绩, 最近的成绩, 复习期成绩. The SSA winners must be in good standing with Angie’s List and undergo additional screening.

    自2007年以来,佛罗里达水处理公司已被列入安吉名单. 这是FWT第14次获得这一荣誉.

    服务公司的评级在安吉的名单上不断更新, 提交经过验证的消费者评论. Companies are rated in multiple fields ranging from price to professionalism to punctuality.

    二十多年来, Angie’s List has been a trusted name for connecting consumers to top-rated service professionals. Angie’s List provides unique tools and support designed to improve the local service experience for both consumers and service professionals.

  • 佛罗里达水处理赢得了2014年安吉名单超级服务奖


    佛罗里达水处理 has earned the service industry’s coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award, reflecting an exemplary year of service provided to members of the consumer review service in 2014.

    来自FWT:“在佛罗里达水处理公司, we 工作 extremely hard to make sure that each one of our customers receives the highest level of customer service possible, 不管工作有多小. It is an honor to receive this award because it allows all our potential and current customers to see how much pride we take in our 工作. It also proves we don't just say we provide excellent service; we deliver that high level of service to each and every customer. I would also like to thank all our customers who helped us achieve this award; we appreciate you recognizing FWT."

    “Only about 5 percent of the companies 佛罗里达水处理 competes within the Tampa Bay area are able to earn our Super Service Award,Angie 's List创始人安吉·希克斯(Angie Hicks)说. “这是始终如一的优质客户服务的标志.”

    Angie’s List Super Service Award 2014 winners have met strict eligibility requirements, 包括总分为" A "的吗, 最近的成绩, 复习期成绩; the company must be in good standing with Angie’s List, 拥有完整的个人资料, 通过背景调查, 并遵守安琪名单的操作准则.

    服务公司的评级每天在安吉的名单上更新. Companies are graded on an A through F scale in areas ranging from price to professionalism to punctuality. Members can find the 2014 Super Service Award logo next to company names in search results on AngiesList.com.

    Angie’s List helps consumers have happy transactions with local service professionals in more than 720 categories of service, 从家居装修到医疗保健. More than 2 million paid households use Angie’s List to gain access to local ratings, 独家折扣, 安吉名单杂志, 以及安吉名单投诉解决服务.

评论 & 奖状


我有井水,我以为是不可能处理的. 我们有橙色的污渍,闻起来有硫磺的味道,太可怕了! After we had the 佛罗里达水处理 well equipment installed my water is crystal clear! 我们甚至可以直接从水龙头里喝. A+公司和A+产品! 谢谢你!!!


I just wanted to let you know we are very satisfied with the installation completed today by your guys. 他们干得很出色. 非常专业.

Leonard - S. FL帕萨迪纳市

I wish to thank you for your services rendered today for the annual maintenance on my water treatment system. You indeed possess the epitome of excellence in your services and kind demeanor. 我感谢你的努力.








Hernando/ Citrus/The Villages


欲了解更多信息,请致电我们的专业人员 727-736-2747.

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